Postspectacle Shelter at the House of People The Presidential Candidate
The Crises of (Com)Passion and the Corrupt Audience Alina Popa
What is Eva Peron Veda Popovici
We Are All Reptilians Now Florin Flueras
Political Therapy Valentina Desideri
The Specter of Communist Feminism: Dead Evil Women are Moving Tables! Mihai Lukacs
A Wolf in a Sheep’s Clothing Arnold Şlahter
Punishing the Poor in Budapest Ciumafaiu
Postspectacle Shelter Drawing Brynjar Bandlien
Survival Architecture in the Global Slum (II) Cosima Opartan, Ion Dumitrescu
Tragic Seconds Heroic Days G.A.Neagu

Postspectacle Shelter at the House of People The Presidential Candidate
The Crises of (Com)Passion and the Corrupt Audience Alina Popa
What is Eva Peron Veda Popovici
We Are All Reptilians Now Florin Flueras
Political Therapy Valentina Desideri
The Specter of Communist Feminism: Dead Evil Women are Moving Tables! Mihai Lukacs
A Wolf in a Sheep’s Clothing Arnold Şlahter
Punishing the Poor in Budapest Ciumafaiu
Postspectacle Shelter Drawing Brynjar Bandlien
Survival Architecture in the Global Slum (II) Cosima Opartan, Ion Dumitrescu
Tragic Seconds Heroic Days G.A.Neagu